Sim EFB - Little NavMap Integration

Import Little NavMap flight plan

Sim EFB allows the import of Little NavMap plans by pressing the menu button next to the flight plan selections drop down and selecting “Import Other formats >> Import from Little NavMap LNMPLN file”. This flight plan can then be displayed in the SIM EFB panels within Microsoft Flight Simulator FS2020.

Show Little NavMap flight plan in FS2020

In 2022 Little NavMap updated the web code which has broken the map movement during flight.

In addition you can opt to have the Little NavMap flight plan shown in the SIM EFB panels. From within Little NavMap select “Tools >> Run Web Server” to start the Little NavMap web server. Then select “Tools >> Open WebServer Page in Browser”. Copy the url from browser. Then paste into Sim EFB Settings, under the “Add Panel Link” tab in settings page, and give a name:


When published the link will appear in the flight plan links on Sim EFB Panels 2 and 3:

Click here for more details on the Little NavMap Web Server

Little NavMap can also get the current location from FS2020 by settings up a connection to FS2020 from Little NavMap menu “Tools >> Flight Simulator Connection”

IMPORTANT:  Because control is passed to the Little NavMap web server page, to go back to the SIM EFB panel contents, press the hidden button at top left of panel to refresh the panel.

IMPORTANT SQUASHED MAP:  if the map is shown Squashed, then add /legacy to the URL.

Little NavMap Changed in 2022

LNM seemed to have changed the Map Web Page around 2022 which stopped the map being updated.  Please enter in the SIM EFB Panel Link 1 >> URL:


Your port number may be different

And download the following file:

Fix File

Unzip to replace the existing file in the "Web" subdirectory of LNM.  It makes the map refresh every 15 seconds be default.   We get a slight flash on the refresh. Anything less is enjoying, and options are 1,5,15,30,120, in the last few lines of the file.

If already running LNM web server should be restarted, and any SIM EFB panels should be closed and reopened if already open.